January 2025 Update

Hey everyone, Happy New Year! We’re already almost to the middle of January, so welcome to our first newsletter of 2025! We are very excited about what is in store for us in the coming year and we are energized to carry forward the work that God has placed in our hands.

I want to start by reviewing with you all the Why behind what we do. Northeastern Brazil has the second highest rate of sex trafficking in the world, leaving a trail of pain and scars on an uncountable number of lives. This is not part of God’s plan for humanity in Northeast Brazil. This is the work of evil. To fight this evil and bring God’s healing in place of pain, we need two things: Prevention and Rescue.


Rescue has the goal of bringing those that are already involved in the sex trade out of it and helping them to heal the trauma of that experience. This approach requires solid psychological and mental capabilities because besides providing for their basic needs while they are coming out of the trade, you also must protect them and treat them psychologically, so they aren’t pulled back into their old way of life. There are many non-profits directed at rescuing those in the sex trade which is an extremely important work of redemption. We also believe that there is a huge need for people to focus on prevention.  


Prevention focuses on education and awareness of the risk factors and grooming process of the sex trade. We must consistently bring information to at-risk communities about the sex trade and the trauma that it causes to people and families.  We educate on how to recognize the signs of coercion, manipulation, and grooming, and how to avoid them. Many people don’t realize they are at risk or are in the process of being recruited until we teach them the signs and tricks of the traffickers.

JCH exists to fight sex trafficking and sexual abuse through prevention. By teaching communities and offering a refuge to have the difficult conversations about sex trafficking and domestic violence, we allow people to be vulnerable and open.

Feeling open and safe to have the conversation is what will truly protect entire communities from the evils of sex trafficking and abuse. This is the core of what we want to continue to do in 2025. We invite you to continue participating with us toward this goal of prevention, and ultimately reduce the need for rescue, and end the sex trade entirely. We have been working hard the last five years to create a place for the kids in Brazil to learn that selling their bodies and accepting abuse are not the only options for them.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” This is the core of who we are.

JCH wants to prevent the pain that the sex trade causes at all levels. Our goal as an organization is to bring hope to the hopeless. Hope can inoculate an entire community against the risks and dangers of the sex trafficking and sexual abuse. We work closely with those at the most risk to have a long-lasting, profound impact on their lives. By helping them grow out of these risk factors, they can become beacons of hope in the community and multiply our efforts through their examples.

Projects and Actions

In 2024 we created 18 projects including projects of sustainability and education and we would like to continue the advancement of each one in 2025.

Through the coming year we will tell you more about each of these initiatives. Every action and every project is focused on building the community in a way that promotes self-reliance. We encourage you to embrace one so we can continue to empower the communities we serve. Stay tuned for more details through 2025 about each of these efforts.

Christmas Dinner Thank-you

Thank you for your donations for the Christmas dinner last year. We were able to feed not just people during the event, but we were also able to make 15 additional food baskets for at-risk families.

Thank you again for your partnership and for believing in us, and in the value of our mission. Everything we do, we do in response to the calling God gave to us. We want people to experience His will on earth as it is in heaven.

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JCH September-October Update